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姓  名: 邢伟
职  称: 研究员
职 务: 博、硕导;PI
电 话/传 真: 027-87700885/027-87700877
电子邮件: xingwei108@wbgcas.cn
所属课题组: 水生植物与水生态系统健康学科组


2017.8- 中国科学院武汉植物园 研究员
2009.9 -2017.8 中国科学院武汉植物园 副研究员
2016.10-2016.11 德国IGB和KIT 高级访问学者
2012.2-2013.1 英国兰卡斯特大学环境研究中心(LEC) 访问学者
2007.7-2009.9 中国科学院武汉植物园 助理研究员
2002.9-2007.6 中国科学院水生生物研究所 生生物学/环境科学 硕士/博士学位








* Corresponding author 
  1. Xing Wei, Wu Haoping, Hao Beibei, Huang Wenmin, Liu Guihua*. 2013. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals by submerged macrophytes: looking for hyperaccumulator in eutrophic lakes. Environmental Science & Technology, 47: 4695-4703.
  2. Xing Wei, Wu Haoping, Hao Beibei, Liu Guihua*. 2013. Stoichiometric characteristics and responses of submerged macrophytes to eutrophication in lakes along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Ecological Engineering, 54: 16-21.
  3. Huang Wenmin, Shao Hui, Zhou Sining, Zhou Qin, Li Wei, Xing Wei*. 2017. Modulation of cadmium-induced phytotoxicity in Cabomba caroliniana by urea involves photosynthetic metabolism and antioxidant status. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 144: 88-96.
  4. Yang Yuyi, Song Wenjuan, Lin Hui, Wang Weibo, Du Linna, Xing Wei*. 2018. Antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in global lakes: A review and meta-analysis. Environment International, 116: 60-73.
  5. Huang Wenmin, Han Shijuan, Zhou Qin, Li Wei, Xing Wei*. 2019. Assessing interactions between environmental factors and aquatic toxicity: Influences of dissolved CO2 and light on Cd toxicity in the aquatic macrophyte Potamogeton crispus. Aquatic Toxicology, 212: 247-258.
  6. Liu Han, Zhou Wen, Li Xiaowei, Chu Qingshuai, Tang Na, Shu Bizhi, Liu Guihua, Xing Wei*. 2020. How many submerged macrophyte species are needed to improve water clarity and quality in Yangtze floodplain lakes? Science of the Total Environment, 724: 138267.
  7. Hao Beibei, Wu Haoping, Li Wei, Xing Wei*. 2020. Periphytic algae mediate interactions between neighbor and target submerged macrophytes along a nutrient gradient. Ecological Indicators, 110: 105898.
  8. Tang Na, Liu Xiaoning, Xing Wei*. 2020. Microplastics in wastewater treatment plants of Wuhan, Central China: Abundance, removal, and potential source in household wastewater. Science of the Total Environment, 745: 141026.
  9. Liu Han, Liu Guihua, Xing Wei*. 2021. Functional traits of submerged macrophytes in eutrophic shallow lakes affect their ecological functions. Science of The Total Environment, 760: 143332.
  10. Wu Haoping, Hao Beibei, Cai Yanpeng, Liu Guihua, Xing Wei*. 2021. Effects of submerged vegetation on sediment nitrogen-cycling bacterial communities in Honghu Lake (China). Science of The Total Environment, 755: 142541.
  11. Abduro Ogo Hirpa, Tang Na, Li Xiaowei, Gao Xueyuan, Xing Wei*. 2022. Combined toxicity of microplastic and lead on submerged macrophytes. Chemosphere, 295: 133956.
  12. Wu Junjun, Cheng Xiaoli, Xing Wei*, Liu Guihua. 2022. Soil-atmosphere exchange of CH4 in response to nitrogen addition in diverse upland and wetland ecosystems: A meta-analysis. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 164: 108467.
  13. Li Xiaowei, Chu Qingshuai, Tang Na, Abduro Ogo Hirpa, Xing Wei*. 2022. Functional trait-based potential invasiveness of exotic submerged macrophytes and their effects on sediment bacterial community. Hydrobiologia, 849: 3061-3077.
  14. Tang Na, Li Xiaowei, Gao Xueyuan, Liu Xiaoning, Xing Wei*. 2022. The adsorption of arsenic on micro- and nano-plastics intensifies the toxic effect on submerged macrophytes. Environmental Pollution, 311: 119896.
  15. Zhou Wen, Liu Guihua, Xing Wei*. 2023. Variations of multi-elements in wetland plants on the Tibetan Plateau are mainly determined by environmental factors. Ecological Indicators, 146: 109807.
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Wei_Xing5


(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32170375,2022-2025,主持;
(2) 异龙湖湿地植物资源调查及资源扩增技术示范,2021-2024,主持;
(3) 中国科学院中-非联合研究中心重点部署项目,SAJC202102,2021-2023,主持;
(4) 贵州南明河生态调查,2022-2023,主持;
(5) 武汉市应用基础前沿项目,2020020601012287,2020-2022,主持;
(6) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31870346,2019-2022,主持;
(7) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31370479,2014-2017,主持;
(8) 中科院青年创新促进会项目,2011-2014,主持;
(9) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,31000163,2011-2013,主持;