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姓  名: 魏新增
职  称: 研究员
职 务: 博导
电 话/传 真: 027-87700832/027-87700877
电子邮件: xzwei@wbgcas.cn
所属课题组: 植被生态学学科组


2020.12- 中国科学院武汉植物园 研究员
2019.8-2019.9 斯特灵大学(Stirling University) 合作研究
2014.10-2015.10 加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA) 访问学者
2012.9-2020.11 中国科学院武汉植物园 副研究员
2010.7-2012.8  中国科学院武汉植物园 助理研究员
2004.9-2010.7 中国科学院武汉植物园 博士学位
2000.9-2004.7 河南师范大学 生物科学,学士学位






2010年 中国科学院研究生院优秀毕业生
2010年 中国科学院武汉教育基地昌华奖学金
2013年 中国生态系统网络2012年度十篇青年优秀学术论文
2013年 领跑者5000—中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文


Wei Xinzeng, Jiang Mingxi*. 2021. Meta-analysis of genetic representativeness of plant populations under ex-situ conservation in contrast to wild source populations. Conservation Biology, 35(1): 12-23.

Wu Hao, Wei Xinzeng*, Jiang Mingxi. 2021. Intraspecific variation in seedling growth responses of a relict tree species Eupteleapleiospermum to precipitation manipulation along an elevation gradient. Plant Ecology, 222: 1297-1312.

Xiao Zhiqiang, Yang Teng, Wang Shitong, Wei Xinzeng*, Jiang Mingxi. 2021. Exploring the origin and genetic representation of ex situ living collections of five endangered tree species established for 20-35 years. Global Ecology and Conservation, 32: e01928.

Wang Shitong, Xiao Zhiqiang, Yang Teng, Jiang Mingxi, Wei Xinzeng*. 2021. Shifts in leaf herbivory stress and defense strategies of endangered tree species after 20-35 years of ex-situ conservation. Global Ecology and Conservation, 26: e01490.

Wu Hao, Wang Shitong, Wei Xinzeng*, Jiang Mingxi. 2019. Sensitivity of seed germination to temperature of a relict tree species from different origins along latitudinal and altitudinal gradients: implications for response to climate change. Trees, 33(5): 1435-1445.

Meng Hongjie, Wei Xinzeng*, Jiang Mingxi. 2019. Contrasting elevational patterns of genetic variation in Eupteleapleiospermum along mountains at the core and edges of its latitudinal range. Plant Ecology, 220: 13-28.

Wei Xinzeng, Liu Mengting, Wang Shitong, Jiang Mingxi*. 2018. Seed morphological traits and element concentrations of an endangered tree species displayed contrasting responses to waterlogging induced by extreme precipitation. Flora, 246-247: 19-25.

Wu Hao, MengHongjie, Wang Shitong, Wei Xinzeng*, Jiang Mingxi. 2018. Geographic patterns and environmental drivers of seed traits of a relict tree species. Forest Ecology and Management, 422: 59-68.

Wei Xinzeng, BaoDachuan, MengHongjie, Jiang Mingxi*. 2018. Pattern and drivers of species-genetic diversity correlation in natural forest tree communities across a biodiversity hotspot. Journal of Plant Ecology, 11(5): 761-770.

Wei Xinzeng, Sork Victoria L., MengHongjie, Jiang Mingxi*. 2016. Genetic evidence for central-marginal hypothesis in a Cenozoic relict tree species across its distribution in China. Journal of Biogeography, 43: 2173-2185.

Wei Xinzeng, Wu Hao, MengHongjie, Pang Chuanmei, Jiang Mingxi*. 2015. Regeneration dynamics of Eupteleapleiospermum along latitudinal and altitudinal gradients: Trade-offs between seedling and sprout. Forest Ecology and Management, 353: 232-239.

Wei Xinzeng, MengHongjie, BaoDachuan, Jiang Mingxi*. 2015. Gene flow and genetic structure of a mountain riparian tree species, Eupteleapleiospermum (Eupteleaceae): how important is the stream dendritic network? Tree Genetics & Genomes, 11:64.

Wei Xinzeng, MengHongjie, Jiang Mingxi*. 2013. Landscape genetic structure of a streamside tree species Eupteleapleiospermum (Eupteleaceae): contrasting roles of river valley and mountain ridge. PLoS ONE, 8(6):e66928.

Wei Xinzeng, Jiang Mingxi*. 2012. Contrasting relationships between species diversity and genetic diversity in natural and disturbed forest tree communities. New Phytologist, 193(3): 779-786.

Wei Xinzeng, Jiang Mingxi*. 2012. Limited genetic impacts of habitat fragmentation in an “old rare” relict tree, Eupteleapleiospermum(Eupteleaceae). Plant Ecology, 213: 909-917.

Wei Xinzeng, Jiang Mingxi*, Huang Handong, Yang Jingyuan, Yu Jie. 2010. Relationships between environment and mountain riparian plant communities associated with two rare tertiary-relict tree species, Eupteleapleiospermum (Eupteleaceae) and Cercidiphyllumjaponicum (Cercidiphyllaceae). Flora, 205: 841-852.

Wei Xinzeng, Liao Jianxiong, Jiang Mingxi*. 2010. Effects of pericarp, storage conditions, seed weight, substrate moisture content, light, GA3 and KNO3 on germination of Eupteleapleiospermum. Seed Science and Technology, 38: 1-13.

王世彤, 徐耀粘, 杨腾, 魏新增*, 江明喜. 2020. 微生境对黄梅秤锤树野生种群叶片功能性状的影响. 生物多样性, 28(3):277-288.
杨腾,王世彤, 魏新增*, 江明喜. 2020. 中国特有属秤锤树属植物的潜在分布区预测. 植物科学学报, 38(5):627-635.
王世彤, 吴浩, 刘梦婷, 张佳鑫, 刘检明, 孟红杰, 徐耀粘, 乔秀娟, 魏新增*, 卢志军, 江明喜. 2018. 极小种群野生植物黄梅秤锤树群落结构与动态. 生物多样性, 26(7):749-759.
刘梦婷, 魏新增*, 江明喜. 2018. 濒危植物黄梅秤锤树野生与迁地保护种群的果实性状比较. 植物科学学报, 36(3):354-361.
魏新增, 何东, 江明喜*, 黄汉东, 杨敬元, 喻杰. 2009. 神农架山地河岸带中珍稀植物群落特征. 武汉植物学研究, 27(6): 607-616.
魏新增, 黄汉东, 江明喜*, 杨敬远. 2008. 神农架地区河岸带中领春木种群数量特征与空间分布格局. 植物生态学报, 32(4): 825-837.


1. 委托项目:神农架国家公园珍稀濒危植物调查(起止日期:2021.3-2022.12)。主持,在研。
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:纬度梯度上领春木的表型可塑性和局域适应性及其驱动因素研究(编号:31770572;起止日期:2018.1-2021.12)。主持,已结题。
3. 植被与环境变化国家重点实验室开放课题:海拔梯度上领春木叶片和果实性状变异及驱动因素研究(编号:LVEC-2016kfxx;起止日期:2017.3-2018.12)。主持,已结题。
4. 武汉植物园科研骨干人才计划项目:气化变化条件下我国亚热带山地珍稀植物群落代表性物种分布范围变化趋势(起止日期:2017.1-2019.12)。主持,已结题。
5. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题:极小种群野生植物生境适宜性评价与迁地保护适宜生境构建技术研究(编号:2016YFC050310502;起止日期:2016.7-2020.12)。主持,已结题。
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:东亚特有植物领春木的景观基因组学研究(编号:31470515;起止日期:2015.1-2018.12)。主持,已结题。
7. 中国科学院青年创新促进会:气候变化条件下领春木沿纬度和海拔的更新动态(编号:2014314;起止日期:2014.1-2017.12)。主持,已结题。
8. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:珍稀植物领春木在山地河溪树状网络中的景观遗传结构研究(编号:31100344;起止日期:2012.1-2014.12)。主持,已结题。