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姓  名: 叶忠铭
职  称: 副研究员
职 务: 硕士生导师
电 话/传 真: 027-87700874/027-8700877
电子邮件: yezhongming@wbgcas.cn
所属课题组: 植物繁殖生态学学科组


2005.09-2009.6 南昌大学生命科学学院 大学本科/学士学位;
2009.9-2015.6 中国科学院武汉植物园 硕博连读/博士学位;
2015.7-2018.5 江西省水土保持科学研究院 工程师;
2018.6-2020.11 中国科学院武汉植物园 助理研究员;
2020.12-至今 中国科学院武汉植物园 副研究员;








  1. Ye ZM, Jin XF, Yang CF*.2021. Urban forest fragmentation can highly influence pollinator-plant interactions in close contrasting habitats of a local herb, Ajuga decumbens (Labiatae).  Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 65: 127378.
  2. Ye ZM, Jin XF*, Wang QF, Yang CF*. 2020. Co-flowering neighbor alters pollinator composition and influences reproductive success in a plant pollinated by multiple insects. Plant Ecology, 221: 219–228.
  3. Ye ZM, Jin XF, Yang J, Wang QF, Yang CF*. 2019. Accurate position exchange of stamen and stigma by movement in opposite direction resolves the herkogamy dilemma in a protandrous plant, Ajuga decumbens (Labiatae). AoB PLANTS, 11: plz052.
  4. Ye ZM, Jin XF, Inouye DW, Wang QF*, Yang CF*. 2018. Variation in composition of two bumble bee species across communities affects nectar robbing but maintains pollinator visitation rate to an alpine plant, Salvia przewalskii: Nectar robbing variation and pollination. Ecological Entomology, 43: 363–370.
  5. Ye ZM, Jin XF, Wang QF*, Yang CF*, Inouye DW. 2017. Nectar replenishment maintains the neutral effects of nectar robbing on female reproductive success of Salvia przewalskii (Lamiaceae), a plant pollinated and robbed by bumble bees. Annals of Botany, 119: 1053-1059.
  6. Ye ZM, Jin XF, Wang QF*, Yang CF*, & Inouye DW. 2017. Pollinators shift to nectar robbers when florivory occurs, with effects on reproductive success in Iris bulleyana (Iridaceae). Plant Biology, 19: 760–766.
  7. Ye ZM, Dai WK, Jin XF, Gituru R, Wang QF*, Yang CF.2014. Competition and facilitation among plants for pollination: can pollinator abundance shift the plant–plant interactions? Plant Ecology, 215: 3-13.

